Thursday, December 20, 2007

What Makes Futon Bunk Beds So Popular?

Futon bunk beds are great for people that want to save space and add versatility to their room. The bed can function as a couch during the day and then turn in a bed at night. They look great and are surprisingly affordable.

There are many different frames to choose from when deciding on a futon bunk bed. There are metal frames, which have a distinct, unique look to them, as well as a wide variety of color choices. There are thousands of wooden framed choices available as well. It's just a matter of preference. Although, some people consider the wooden frames to be the best because the slat supports tend to be wider and closer together. This supports the mattress better and is more comfortable. If you just can't decide on metal or wood, keep that last tip in mind.

Since the bottom futon actually folds out and becomes a bed, check for one that can be place up against a wall and still allow the futon to be laid flat. They are often called wall-huggers. There are some beds that have to be placed five or six inches away from the wall to allow for some movement when folding the futon flat. So if you must have your bunk bed up against a wall, look for a "wall-hugger", this will make the conversion to a bed easy, especially if you are doing this daily.

If you plan on using the futon as an actual bed and sleeping on it every night, you need to think about spending a little more to get one that is really comfortable. An all cotton mattress or futon can be heavy some people prefer a poly-cotton blend which is lighter and easier to move around while still providing comfort. One that actually has an inner spring mattress will provide the best support but will also cost more.

There are many different covers that can be used on a futon mattress. Remember the bottom of the bunk is a regular futon, you can use any futon cover and almost all futon bunk beds already come with a durable cover that can double as bed covering. So there are options if you need a specific color or pattern to your new futon bed.

A futon bunk bed is a great choice for a family whose living space is small. They are perfect for teenagers and for college students. The option to turn the couch into a bed can serve a lot of different lifestyles. They make an impressive and functional variation from the traditional style bunk bed.

The futon originated in Japan, where it placed directly on the floor. It has become very popular in the United States where cramped living conditions exist. Taking that futon and placing it up on a metal or a wooden frame, having the versatility of either a couch or a bed, and then placing another bed on top of this set-up, it's no wonder this style has become very popular so quickly. It just makes sense.


Anonymous said...

The kids are off to college and you finally get that home office or living room you always wanted. The next step is planning the layout. The important thing is to make your space function in a way that will best suit you and your families needs. You know that they be visiting on the holidays so don't settle for furniture that performs only a single function. Choose versatile dual purpose pieces like futon beds.
Try to build more than one function into each room. The best place we found to get quality futon furniture at very affordable prices is . There selection of styles is incredible and there are some great articles on their site that will help you select the futon bed that will work best for you.
Remember, combine day and night uses for bedrooms so they are sleeping quarters by night, but when the sun comes up, they easily convert to office, playroom, or den. For that, futons are your best bet.

Anonymous said...

I think they're a great idea personally. They seem to have been popular for some time, and with good reason. In the UK each bed shop only seems to stock one kind though!
I thought it might be helpful to group all of them together in one place so I set up the Futon Bunk Beds website. I'm still building it but I'm aiming to put all the different styles available and where you can get them in the UK. Hope this helps someone!